Vice President & MTM Founding Member – Bill Deaver is a partner in Deaver-Wiggins & Associates, a Public and Government Affairs Consulting firm; is former editor and publisher of the Mojave Desert News and a long-time Mojave resident.
A charter member of the Kern-Antelope Historical Society, he writes a weekly column for the Antelope Valley Press, and has championed many civic improvements in the town of Mojave and serves on the Board of Directors of the Mojave Chamber of Commerce.
He served in the administrations of two U.S. presidents and on the staffs of two Members of Congress and a state legislator, as administrator of the region’s court system, Mojave Constable, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Mojave Air & Spaceport, Kern Economic Development Corp., East Kern Economic Alliance, and the Edwards Community Alliance/East Kern Educational Resource Network.