Scott Glaser – President/CEO, Aerospace Operations
February 19, 2022
10am – 2pm
Talk begins at 11am ($2 donation)
Dr. Glaser achieved Bachelor of Science & Master of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Penn State.
This further led to a career in flight testing for several historic programs including VG’s SpaceShipTwo, F-22 Raptor, Lockheed Skunk Works & NASA.
With the machines mastered, Dr. Glaser pursed a command of the human contribution to flight via aerospace physiology.
Dr. Glaser completed human physiology research for institutions such as NASA, the FAA & Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
He gained expertise in centrifuge based flight simulators at the National Aerospace Training & Research Center.
A U.S. Patent was issued for his advanced techniques in pilot training.
He earned his phD in Biomedical Engineering from Drexel University.
Dr. Glaser’s life’s work has culminated in the foundation of Aerospace Operations, LLC (AO).
The combination of the aforementioned experience with some of the greatest professionals in the industry, AO has become the most agile test, training & operations institution in the world.
His aircraft of choice are the Canadair CF-5 & his personal Yak-50.
Over his career he has flown a multitude of test, training & support missions in everything type of aircraft from fighters to business jets.
The missions he has successfully completed are as diverse as his aircraft type list.
He has flown chase for all of Virgin Orbit’s Launcher One orbital launches to date, including one garnering the cover of Aviation Week magazine.
Talk begins at 11:00 a.m. in MASP Board Room (enter through the Voyager Restaurant)
Seating limited and RSVP required to attend talk.
Please RSVP: info@mojavemuseum.org or 661.342.0604
Donation for talk $2.00
- General Car Parking at Voyager Restaurant (1434 Flight Line # 58, Mojave, CA 93501)
- Transient Parking Area – By Old Tower
- KMHV – TWR 127.6 WX AWOS-3 (132.225) (661.824.5218) | Ground 123.9 Joshua Approach 133.65
www.airnav.com/airport/KMHV or www.mojaveairport.com
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